Special Communications

Specific communications may be sent by leadership to inform the congregation of situations, reports and items of attention.  However, some that are more general may be posted in this Special Communications. 

There are introductory notes for the reports with links to a PDF, so that the report can be downloaded.

December 10, 2023, Sharing Cafe Results re: UUCC Work with the unhoused (See notice inside the E-blast Dec. 20 with details and a link to the Sharing Cafe notes: link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GnXsXEQUEU0ViFZfuXW5kV_jxa4NO4OG/edit?usp=sharing& ouid=112947659727681360605&rtpof=true&sd=true

Distributed December 13, 2023 by Settled Minister Team (2 reports), In October 2023, the Settled Minister Search Team sent out a Google survey to our congregation and had 53 responses which is about a 33% response rate.  Attached is the Summary of the results of that survey. Settled Minister Search Survey 2023 summary of results

The Team also wishes to share the Summary of the Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop that was held in early November.  The goal of the workshop was to help us be a more diverse and accepting church in our ministerial search. Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop Report 11/2023